Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ok, I know that we are become more and more empowering as women but seriously? we needed to rename the Mullet? Can we please give that back. Not only is a Mullet hedious, women should not be encouraging such a hair cut.  I was browsing for pictures of this trend that seems to be coming back more "modernized"... when I discovered this website . It's quite entertaining and I cannot imagine this look becoming fashionable sometime soon. Or will it?

I love the Twilight Saga but this look on Kristen Stewart is so ridiculously fugly.

I do not mind the wedge hair cut, that originated in 1974. This is apparently going to be a trend in the near future. I like this choppy look.

 Which look do you prefer?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Work Attire

Professionalism is key. Even when you work at a sex shop, I'm pretty sure the staff is not allowed to wear sexy lingerie at the cash register. I say if you have to ask yourself ,if it's appropriate or not for work, don't wear it to work.The rule applies to men as well. Wearing t-shirts to work that say " Looking for a one night stand" on casual Fridays, isn't exactly subtle. Men also need to keep in mind the "tightness" of their pants at work. If your bulge is bulging or you feel like you have a constant wedgie, whether you like it , we don't!

Like most things there is a time and place for all. Ladies, if you are going to wear a dress shirt, make sure it fits so that your breasts aren't popping out of it.Professional environments is about respecting the word "professionalism", you should want respect for your attributes professionally not assets physically. I one time wore a strapless dress under a blazer. I went to take off my jacket and my blazer was open along with my dress down to my stomach.If someone would have walked into my office, they would think I'm at Marti Gras and probably throw me some beads. Luckily no one saw this embarrassing moment but I will never wear that dress to work again.

Heavy make-up such as the black or grey smokey eye. I never really understood it. Going out in day light like that is weird but to work? I like bright lipsticks but it means you wear less eye make-up. Unless you are an actress,model or in a beauty pageant, wearing heavy make-up to work can be clown-like.

Image is important, especially when you are representing the organization you are working for, but above all else, your self -image is what is important most within the work place. So keep it classy folks.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Colors of your wardrobe

Dressing in bright colors is my fortay. I truly believe it reflects my personality and my mood. On days that I am sad or frustrated, I've noticed that I wear black. Regardless of summer or winter, I usually wear colorful clothing. A lot of my friends tend to dress in dark clothing and think that color can only be pulled off  by certain people. I tend to disagree. I think anyone can wear color, perhaps not certain colors like bright pinks or turquoises but generally color is pleasing to the eye, and is always pleasing to my soul.

My recommendation for those who tend to wear black a lot is to try and pair colorful pieces with black pieces. A good example would to wear a black blazer with a purple/pink dressy tank top underneath. For those who love blue, try a sexy black dress with a turquoise stone necklace and earrings. I absolutely love that look on some of my girlfriends. Although all black is slimming, it's also aren't going to a funeral ( at least, I hope not.) Life is about being bold and daring, if that isn't part of who you are...try with wearing bright lingerie ;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

To all you sexy clubbers out there

I will first start off by saying, I used to club A LOT. One of the main reasons was because I loved dressing up and because I got to dance my tush off the whole night, looking great. One thing I don't understand is, the girls that will wear flip flops to a club. I mean flip flops, with what some people might consider a prom dress. When I lived in Vancouver it was very common to see girls wearing a gorgeous dress with flip flops.It completely ruins the point of a dressy-dress. To wear flip-ity flops is comfortable but if you feel like being comfortable, you might as well wear a t-shirt and jeans as well, or just go clubbing in your pjs. You're a walking "oxymoron". Now I'm all about fashion faux-pas but not when it puts yourself in danger as well. Are you girls not afraid that someone is going to step on your exposed feet? The clubs usually get super packed, you get pushed, you get trampled. Sure, it's not any worse than open-toed stilettos but at least, just your toes can be affected (and your heel can be used to go up the person's ass for stepping on them). Clubbing on vacation in a tropical place is a different story, anything goes, really, you're on vaca, who cares :)

Now, this is to all the girls out there that like to expose a lot of their goods. Primarily, I think a good rule to follow is, if you want to expose your knockers, you shouldn't show too much leg. If you want to show off your hot legs, you should cover your chest. All at once, screams " I want to go home with you, you, you and you tonight" and hey if that's your thing, I have nothing against it. Ultimately, what I am trying to say is, it's one thing to flaunt what your mama give you, but you can do it with class. I love Mini skirts but if I wear one, I won't wear a low hanging neckline halter with it either. I'm not saying you dress for the attention, you should dress yourself for you, first and foremost, and with that being said, you should respect yourself as well.

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Socks with Sandals??

We are gathering trends from our nanas, so it seems. A few days ago, I stumbled across a moral dilemma reading a magazine... these beautiful models are being photographed in couture made by Marc Jacob, Armani, Prada... but none the less strutting in socks and sandals down the runway! Something just doesn't seem right? oh that's right, it's the black dress socks that are being worn with white stilettos with the Armani Prive Mini Dress. Not only do the socks appear to be for winter or for men, they have feathers and random pieces hanging from them. Sexy or Outrageous?

Is fashion crossing the line where we feel the need to look to our grannies for style? Now, I'm not bashing our grannies' style but I never liked men wearing socks and Birkenstocks to begin with. We are basically promoting laziness to groom our feet... If you don't have a pedicure... that's OK, slip on a pair socks with your open-toed pumps and head to the ball!

Hopefully this trend does not continue to the winter. Next ,Christmas socks will have to match the ugly christmas sweaters, then we're all doomed. Will they start making snow repellant socks?? those poor die hard fashionistas.  Ok. I'll stop, but COME on. I'll leave you with this thought...If it's hot enough for sandals, it's too hot to wear socks. If it's cold enough to wear socks, it's too cold for sandals. This is just my opinion, of course.

Ladies, Would you wear your socks in sandals?

Men, do you find the trend attractive?

...What do you think?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hair Extentions of lack there of...ugh

Alright ladies with faux locks, it's time to break it down for you. Now my hair is far from perfect but when I see you beautiful ladies try and elongate your hair with extentions, that look like they have been purchased from the mall kiosk for 10 dollars a piece, it's quite horrifying. When your hair is shoulder length and you have extentions that are down to your back, you must layer your extentions so it does not look like you have random strands of skunk hanging from your head. Girls that have thick hair should not be purchasing 3 pieces to add length as it looks like you are wearing a wig on top of another wig. I would suggest spending a few hundred ($600 or more) to have them look healthy and even, all around your tete.. For gods sake, wash your extentions as well if they are clip ins. Who wants to smell your nappy locks? I think hair extentions look best when they wavy and volumized. Just a thought...