Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Work Attire

Professionalism is key. Even when you work at a sex shop, I'm pretty sure the staff is not allowed to wear sexy lingerie at the cash register. I say if you have to ask yourself ,if it's appropriate or not for work, don't wear it to work.The rule applies to men as well. Wearing t-shirts to work that say " Looking for a one night stand" on casual Fridays, isn't exactly subtle. Men also need to keep in mind the "tightness" of their pants at work. If your bulge is bulging or you feel like you have a constant wedgie, whether you like it , we don't!

Like most things there is a time and place for all. Ladies, if you are going to wear a dress shirt, make sure it fits so that your breasts aren't popping out of it.Professional environments is about respecting the word "professionalism", you should want respect for your attributes professionally not assets physically. I one time wore a strapless dress under a blazer. I went to take off my jacket and my blazer was open along with my dress down to my stomach.If someone would have walked into my office, they would think I'm at Marti Gras and probably throw me some beads. Luckily no one saw this embarrassing moment but I will never wear that dress to work again.

Heavy make-up such as the black or grey smokey eye. I never really understood it. Going out in day light like that is weird but to work? I like bright lipsticks but it means you wear less eye make-up. Unless you are an actress,model or in a beauty pageant, wearing heavy make-up to work can be clown-like.

Image is important, especially when you are representing the organization you are working for, but above all else, your self -image is what is important most within the work place. So keep it classy folks.

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